Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Christmas Family Traditions

Well, here we are, in the midst of Christmas season again! There is a very special tradition that was started many years ago, when I was younger. Actually, it started out with my Great-Grandpa who came over to the US from Germany in 1921. MANY years later I remember going over to Great-Grandpas house, esp. around Christmas time, and sitting around his living room-him with his accordian and harmonica, us with our singing voices on. I don't remember the age I was when I learned the Christmas Carols in German, I just know that he sang and I LOVED to sing with him! After I got in high school I decided to start sharing my love of the German Christmas Carols in church as a music special. To this day, I still sing them in church. BUT, my children also sing these carols with me. They know the stories and every time we sing, I am transported back in time, to when I was their age, singing with my Great-Grandpa. His memory will always be with us, as long as we keep on singing.


cvdmvega said...

I first learned "o christmas tree" in german when I was a teenager...I think it sounds so much better in german...O taunembaum ...unfortunatly I have forgotten most of wouldn't perhaps have your christmas songs written down in german do you? I would love to have a copy of them...I am at

Melissa Telling said...

Congratulations! You won a prize at the Online Christmas Party. Please send me your email address so I can get it to you. melissa.telling at